In planning your estate, you most likely have concerned yourself with “big picture” issues. Who inherits what? Do I need a living trust? However, there are numerous details that are often overlooked, and which can drastically impact the distribution of your estate to your intended beneficiaries. Listed below are some of the most common...
Continue reading…Retirement Accounts and Estate Planning
For many Americans, retirement accounts comprise a substantial portion of their wealth. When planning your estate, it is important to consider the ramifications of tax-deferred retirement accounts, such as 401(k) and 403(b) accounts and traditional IRAs. (Roth IRAs are not tax-deferred accounts...
What’s Involved in Serving as an Executor?
An executor is the person designated in a Will as the individual who is responsible for performing a number of tasks necessary to wind down the decedent’s affairs. Generally, the executor’s responsibilities involve taking charge of the deceased person’s assets, notifying beneficiaries...
Should I Transfer My Home to My Children?
Most people are aware that probate should be avoided if at all possible. It is an expensive, time-consuming process that exposes your family’s private matters to public scrutiny via the judicial system. It sounds simple enough to just gift your property to...
Umbrella Insurance: What It Is and Why You Need It
Lawsuits are everywhere. What happens when you are found to be at fault in an accident, and a significant judgment is entered against you? A child dives head-first into the shallow end of your swimming pool, becomes paralyzed, and needs in-home...
You’ve Finally Done Your Healthcare Directives – Now What?
Healthcare directives can be vitally important, as recent cases, like that of Terry Schiavo, clearly brought to light. These important documents can mean the difference between your health care wishes being carried out or family members fighting over whether a loved...
Overview of the Ways to Hold Title to Property
You are purchasing a home, and the escrow officer asks, “How do you want to hold title to the property?” In the context of your overall home purchase, this may seem like a small, inconsequential detail; however nothing could be further...
Senior Citizens and Bankruptcy
Senior Citizens Comprise Growing Demographic of Bankruptcy Filers
It’s called your “golden years” but for many seniors and baby boomers, there is no gold and retirement savings are too often insufficient to maintain even basic living standards of...
Continue reading…How Much of Your Estate Will Be Left Out of Your Will?
How Much of Your Estate Will Be Left Out of Your Will? (It’s Probably More Than You Think)
You’ve hired an attorney to draft your will, inventoried all of your assets, and have given copies of important documents...
Continue reading…Avoid Family Feuds with Proper Estate Planning
Avoid Family Feuds through Proper Estate Planning
A family feud over an inheritance is not a game and there is no prize package at the end of the show. Rather, disputes over who gets your property after your...
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